That’s right, we’re making it from scratch and it’s easier than you think! As promised, NO backstory and NO fluff, just the recipe. If you need the seasoning, click the links below to have them shipped straight to your door. ENJOY!


  • 1/4 Cup Drippings From Pork

  • 1 Cup Chicken Broth

  • 2-3 TBSP All-Purpose Flour

  • LouWe.siana Blends Cajun Salt


  1. Add pork drippings to skillet and bring to a simmer.

  2. Add 2 tbsp of flour and a little chicken broth stirring continuously.

  3. Sprinkle in last tbsp of flour (if needed).

  4. Stir in the rest of the chicken broth slowly until smooth and creamy texture.

  5. Season with Cajun Salt to taste.

  6. Serve over cooked rice. ENJOY!

So easy anyone can do it and tastes way better than packaged gravy. Also, there’s a sense of pride in making your own gravy. There’s no reason not to make it from scratch and the Cajun Salt brings it to the next level..